Life's Labyrinth,  Muse bites

Lessons of a decade

Turned 29 a couple of months ago. From the end of teens to the end of twenties, this decade has seen it all; a lot of firsts, experiences, and lessons.

The most important lessons I learnt over this decade:

Not to take things too seriously 😑: You all know what a waste of time this is. I used to overthink and try to perfect so many things, that I felt like I wasn’t doing enough. Once I started being more cool about things, especially so, after I met @foodieraghu, life became more joyful!

Buy only clothes that you will wear: Do not buy clothes that don’t fit you, no matter how good they look or however much they are on sale! I destashed my closet last year and would have given away at least ten set of clothes because I had bought them saying * I will reduce weight and wear * I will wear this for blah blah blah.

Never hold on to anybody 😇: The people who are meant to stay in your life, will stay, no matter what. You don’t have to keep holding on to a person for that person to stay in your life! It took me a number of toxic friendships to realize this!

Drop the emotional baggage: Seriously, life becomes so much more easier once this is done. Letting go of the baggage I carried made me feel so alive, made me look past the mistakes of so many others and to accept people more readily. Let go, forgive (but don’t forget the lesson it taught you!)

Eat healthy: This is one of the greatest lessons if this year. My body is my temple. Being diagnosed with gestational diabetes actually helped me become more conscious on what I put in and how I took care of myself. Of course, this doesn’t mean I don’t indulge in that fancy dessert or an extra piece of cake once in a while 😬

Love yourself: If I don’t love myself, who will? Dot.

Quit the procrastination: There are so many things that I wish I had done before. Even though we say age is just a number and you can do anything anytime, there are certain things that have an age of doing and become harder as you grow older, simply because of the lack of time. So, do it NOW!

Trust the universe: What you believe, you receive. A lot happens when I have the faith in them.

Find your drug and use it: Your passion, your calling, whatever you name it. Mine is writing and travel. I haven’t felt more liberation in anything as I do when I am out traveling or when I sit with a pen and paper! Though I have been very inconsistent with online media, I hope to rectify it this year!

Do what makes you happy: I don’t want to live a life filled with regrets. Nobody should, shouldn’t they? If you feel like buying that bag, buy it! Embrace the experiences that bring joy—whether it’s exploring a new city, indulging in your favorite hobbies, or treating yourself to a spa day. Life is a collection of moments, and investing in your happiness is a choice that pays dividends in memories and fulfillment.

Until next time,


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