Journey Jotter

Life lessons from Scuba

When it comes to an experience, the takeaways are generally two things- how it was, and what it taught you. I already wrote about how my scuba diving experience was, and here is what I learnt from it. A small note of the life lessons I learnt from scuba diving.

Trust others– When you go diving (especially for the first time) , your entire life is in the hands of your instructor. You need to trust him to have a peaceful experience underwater. The same goes in life too. You need to trust the people in your life to sustain unstrained relationships with them.

Live in the moment– When diving, you need to constantly be in the moment and be hyper aware of your surroundings. There is no point in diving if you don’t take in all of the underwater splendour around you, is there? Similarly, in life, you have to be mindful every moment. Because, what is life lived without living each moment, right!

Rely on yourself– Despite knowing swimming and being comfortable in the water, I freaked out the moment I lowered myself into the water. Only when I trusted myself to do it could I compose myself and enjoy it. In life too, you need to trust that you can handle a particular situation, and that you can do it yourself. Only then will you not be intimidated by the lemons life throws at you.

Relax– The more tensed I became, the harder it was for me to sink down. But the moment I started relaxing and breathing uniformly, I sank down and felt no pressure. Likewise, in life too, the more tensed you get, the more you don’t sink in your environment. We all have to face it someday. Just breathe; inhale confidence, and exhale doubt.

Communication is key– You need to communicate with your dive instructor/  buddy throughout the dive to let them know how you feel, when you spot something, and to direct the way(non-verbal, duh!). Likewise, clear communication is a must when it comes to life as well. You have to communicate clearly with the people in your life, may it be personal or your workplace, to ensure that the flow in either of these areas are smooth.

Look Beneath the Surface– The water at the surface was lashing at me but when I lowered myself in, it was perfectly clear and peaceful. Sometimes, even when the waves are rough at the surface, the current can be perfectly calm below. Even in life, a problem that could be agonizing on the surface might have a clear and easy solution once you look deep. This happens with people as well. You might feel someone venting their anger on you and someone else moody all the time, but only when you do look deep do you understand the reasons for their behaviour.

Be into what you do– Unless you like the water and swimming, you will not enjoy scuba. LIkewise, unless you like what you do in life, you are not going to enjoy it, and hence you are not going to be productive in it.

Overcome your fear– You might always feel scared to take the first step. Even though I have dived 3 times, the thought of my next dive sets trepidation through me. But I know that beyond that fear is beauty, beauty that one cannot imagine but must view. In life too, we are very hesitant about setting foot into the unknown just for the fear of it. But what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger and that’s what happens when you leave your comfort zone. Once you acknowledge your fears and face them, you destroy their abilities to control your life, thereby uncovering the best life ever!

Scuba was experience, it was therapy, and I reel back to that moment every time I close my eyes. (probably the reason I have 2 posts on it!) Hope you enjoyed reading this!

Until next time,


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