THIS, is about you
You… Yes, you! You sit with a smile on your lips, but grief in your eyes. You say everything is fine but your heart knows very well not. You say you are strong and independent and need no one but all your heart aches for is a shoulder to cry on and arms to hug you tight…
You want for people to be happy, you wish you could take the baggage off some; you try to help, to be there for people as much as you can. But you end up with bounces. Yes, you have been through so much, you have been walked on over and over again. But remember, these scars are lessons. You have experienced the real world and each day prepares you to face the rest of the days better.
Every time you get upset at something, ask yourself, if you were to die tomorrow, would it be worth wasting your time and energy being upset and angry? Holding anger is poison; it eats you from the inside. And hatred is a curved blade, with its edge pointed at us. All the harm we do, we do to ourselves.
A lot of us worry about what others think about us, and if we are being just to them. But the truth is, people understand what they want to understand, and nothing you say/do can affect that judgement. Worrying your head about what ‘n’ number of people will think and what that ‘n’ number of people will do is going to hurt you only. You are responsible for your happiness only and you are only responsible for your happiness.
When you have come across and crossed so much, what makes you worry about the future?! You can do anything you wish, because your soul is the only thing that defines you, so make sure you don’t feed it anything toxic. You are enough darling, YOU are beautiful. And, you are loved <3 Just remember to smile 🙂
Much love, xxx.