Muse bites

Meet Max, and his sisters!

A few days ago, whilst we were cleaning, I heard some shrill screeching sound. It was coming from the kitchen, and when I went and checked, I found two baby squirrels.  Tiny, furless babies, they hadn’t even opened their eyes. This was the first time I got to hold a baby squirrel in my hand, and oh my, weren’t they cute! The screeching was again heard and we found one more baby nesting in the chimney. My cousin took to the task of christening them. So people, presenting to you Max, and his sisters!

This is Shelley. If I had to guess the order of their birth, I would definitely point my finger at Shelley, the big girl. Oh she is about the same size as Max but she loves to boss her siblings around (yes, even before she has opened her eyes!). She would go pile up on them and happily sleep. She is an attention seeker too, big time. She would want to be fed first (wanting to take control of the ear bud in her hands) , be held first; else she can scream the house down! And even when she is held, she doesn’t settle down quick; she twists and turns and every 10 seconds she just HAS to change her position!

If there was a mommy’s favourite it would be Max, the quiet one. He makes no fuss when he is being fed, sleeps contentedly when he is held, which he loves but doesn’t bother if he is not lifted up first, and just snuggles close. He loves to hold on to the finger, wrapping his hands and legs around, snoozing away! This one will turn out to be a handsome hunk, for sure; he has got a beautiful, long tail that he keeps swishing about, a sturdy head and a broad snout. Ooh the way he sleeps is just so adorable, especially when he sticks his tongue out and sucks air while sleeping <3 

Pixie is the teeny-weeny loner kid. Even when the other two are hugging and rolling around she would be in the far corner, curled-up, tail between her legs. She is the baby whose parents would have trouble feeding, pushing away the swab with every sip she sucks. She displays a different sleeping style every time I notice, and loves sleeping upside down!

Watching squirrels scamper around is such a wonderful pass-time, and watching the babies at such close proximity has been great! I hope you got to know about Max and his sisters a bit in this little bit!

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