MEDIA- what medium?
A murder here, a rape there, lands acquisition case somewhere, a celebrity’s life elsewhere; everything has just become a piece of news. It has just come to be something that is printed in black and white as headlines and distributed; the impact of the news measured by the number of papers sold, or in visual media, the TRP and the view count.
The media is a medium that everyone depends on for day to day information, but news has become a quantifiable item for the media nowadays, especially ones that portray violence against women. There is a poem performed by Kalki Koechlin on this, which talks about how the media is so very insensitive and just creates fear in the minds of the victims.
Dear media, where are your morals heading to? You are desensitizing everything for your audience and leading us into a world where empathy is just lost. Once people wake up and start questioning (which a lot of them already are), it might just be the downfall of your rule!